“Sulekh Sarita Nursery” is an exceptional educational series crafted in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. This innovative series provides a holistic and child-centric approach to early education, fostering a love for learning in young minds. With a curriculum designed to stimulate cognitive development, creativity, and social skills, the series creates a dynamic learning environment. Sulekh Sarita Nursery seamlessly integrates key NEP principles, promoting inquiry-based learning, critical thinking, and experiential education. This series serves as a cornerstone in laying the foundation for a child’s academic journey, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging educational experience.`
Excellent Series Sulekh Sarita A Nursary – Based On NEP 2020
“Sulekh Sarita Nursery, inspired by NEP 2020, is a cutting-edge educational series that nurtures young minds with a holistic approach to learning. Focused on creativity, critical thinking, and inquiry-based methods, it lays the foundation for a child’s academic journey, fostering a love for learning from the very start.”
Weight | 0.2 kg |
Dimensions | 17 × 10 × 2 cm |
Brand | Excellent Series |
Digital Support | Digi Gyaan |
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